First Colombian Film Industry Bulletin
A project designed by Fedesarrollo for Proimágenes

- Prior to the Film Law of 2003, an average three national films were released annually.
- The number of releases increased noticeably after the Film Law went into effect. In 2008, a historic high of 13 national releases was achieved.

- In recent years, attendance at Colombian films has increased substantially over figures recorded during the previous decade.
- In spite of the above, attendance at Colombian films varies from one year to the next, a common phenomonon among small, developing industries.
- 2011 has been an excellent year for attendance at Colombian films. During the first semester of the year, attendance has exceeded the number of spectators annually in both 2009 and 2010.

- Prior to the Film Law (Law 814 of 2003), Colombian film productions represented an average of merely 1.9% of the total film releases every year.
- Recently, national film releases are responsible for a greater portion of total releases. In the past seven years, 5% of all films released have been Colombian.
- So far in 2011, Colombian films are responsible for 6% of total releases.

- During the 1990s, 1996 and 1998 stand out as years in which the Colombian films figured highest in attendance records.
- After the Film Law went into effect, national film productions have been responsible for a good portion of total attendance figures. Attendance at Colombian films has fluctuated around 5.3% of the country's total film attendance.
- In the first six months of 2011, Colombian films brought in more than 11% of total spectators.

- The percentage of Colombian films in total attendance figures is greater than the percentage of these films in total releases, which shows that on an average Colombian films attract more spectators than other releases.

- Between 2007 and the first semester of 2011, in real terms, the biggest box office successes have been familiar stories such as Toy Story 3 (2010), Avatar (2010) Ice Age 3 (2009) and Rio (2011).
- Paraíso travel in 2008 and El paseo in 2011 were the only Colombian films to make it into the top five box office successes in the years they were released.

- Since 2007, Paraíso travel (2008) and El paseo (2011 to date) were the biggest box office successes among Colombian films bringing in $7.983 million and $7.949 million pesos, respectively (constant prices based on June 2011).