A project designed by Proimágenes using methodology of Fedesarrollo.
4. International Comparison

- A total of 38 million spectators attended films in Colombia in 2011.
- Colombia beat attendance records in Chile and came close to those for Argentina, where spectators totaled 42 million in 2011.
- Markets in Brazil and Mexico outperformed all others in Latin America with close to 100 spectators per year.

- Colombian attendance surpassed Brazil’s although Colombia has yet to reach the one-spectator-per-inhabitant mark.
- Chile broke the one-spectator-per-inhabitant barrier and Mexico and Spain are approaching the two-spectators-per-inhabitant mark.
- Generally, this is a growing trend in Latin America.
- To evaluate the information in this graph, please review relative market sizes (Graph population and GNP) and film attendance in these countries.

- Please note the total number of releases in countries like Argentina and Brazil, which exceeds 100 films.

- In 2011, the number of spectators at national films in Colombia surpassed figures for Chile and approached those for Argentina, a relevant statistic when considering that both these countries released more national films than in Colombia (24 in Chile and 125 in Argentina).

- In 2011, Colombia beat out Argentina, Mexico and Chile in spite of releasing fewer films.
- Brazil’s attendance fell by 30% in 2011. (2010 was an atypical year for national box office figures in Brazil due to the box office success of “Tropa Elite II”, which brought in a total of 10.736 million spectators).

- In 2011, this figure Colombia reached 7.8%, up 34% over 2010, and 4% during this period.
- In spite of the fewer number of national releases, the market in Colombia is stronger in this area than in Chile, Argentina and Mexico.

- The number of screens in 2011 fell only in Spain due to the fall in attendance since 2005.
- In Colombia, the number of screens from 2009 to 2012 increased by 24% to a total of 734 screens in June 2012, an increase of 91 over the end of 2011.

- In 2011, Colombia registered a 20% increase in US dollars for ticket sales as a result of revaluation. In Colombia pesos, this price remained constant.
- Colombia closed out 2011 with an average exchange rate of $1,848 COP per USD, and the average exchange through June 30, 2012 was $1,793.
- The average ticket price in Argentina in US dollars increased by 90%. Ticket prices in Argentine pesos have double in the past two years.
- Generally speaking, Latin American currency appreciated during 2011 and the trend has held throughout 2012.

- The average feature film budget in these Latin American countries was 1.3 million USD.
- Public funding for film production is directly related to the number of national releases in countries included here; in 2011, Argentina and Brazil released more than 100 national films.