
Here you will find the profiles of directors, producers, audiovisual producers, actors, technical staff, etc. That by their trajectory and recognition have a prominent place in the national cinema.

Camera, Director, Edition, Screenplay, Script

Jerónimo Sarmiento

Jeronimo is a Colombian director living between Belgium and Estonia whose short films have been produced both in Latin America and Europe, and screened in several places around the world, namely his short film 'Wild Game', shot in Estonia, selected at Palm Springs, PÖFF, Leuven, Aubagne, FICCI, FICVIÑA, among other festivals, and awarded in London, Czech Republic, Colombia, Estonia, Chile and Azerbaijan.

While studying at the National University Film School in Colombia, he was selected for an exchange program to study Image & Sound Design at UBA (Argentina). Later on in 2017, Jeronimo finished his masters in Film Directing in the Kino Eyes Joint Degree programme (Screen Academy Scotland - UK, Lusofona University - Portugal, and Baltic Film & Media School - Estonia), where he received classes from filmmakers like Pedro Costa and João Canijo.

Since 2014, along with three other Colombian artists, he founded LotusLink Creative House, a film creation company aiming at producing content between Colombia and Europe. During 2017 and 2018 Jeronimo made a traineeship at the Belgian production company Savage Film under the mentorship of Oscar nominated producer Bart Van Langendonck ('Bullhead'). During this time he also participated in a filmmaking workshop by Béla Tarr in Brussels. Jeronimo is currently co-directing the experimental film “The Spirit of The Black Horse” produced in Belgium and Germany, as well as writing and developing his first feature film to be filmed in Colombia.
