International Promotion


66 Festival de San Sebastián

September 21 to 29 - 2018 / San Sebastián (España)

Competitive non-specialized Festival. Choose films including the prestigious Honorary Golden Shell: Donostia Prize ...
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September 06 to 16 - 2018 / Toronto, Canadá

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August 01 to 11 - 2018 / Locarno (Suiza)

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29 FIDMarseille

July 10 to 16 - 2018 / Marsella (Francia)

Every year in early July, the FIDMarseille —Marseille International Film Festival— directed by Jean-Pierre Rehm, proposes a programme of 150 films to approximately 25,000 spectators, in cinemas, theat ...
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71st Festival de Cannes

May 08 to 19 - 2018 / Cannes (Francia)

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April 11 to 22 - 2018 / Buenos Aires

Year after year, BAFICI consolidates its status as one of the world’s most prominent film festivals, placed as it is in a privileged and distinguished position on the international film agenda. The ...
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March 23 to April 01 - 2018 / París (Francia)

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68 Berlinale

February 15 to 25 - 2018 / Berlín (Alemania)

Berlin: an exciting, cosmopolitan cultural hub that never ceases to attract artists from around the world. A diverse cultural scene, a critical public and an audience of film-lovers characterise the c ...
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