Festival de Cine y Video Comuna 13_2024.png

14 Festival de Cine y Video Comuna 13, La Otra His

September 21 to 28 - 2024 / Medellín (Antioquia)

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26 Equinoxio 2024.png

26 Festival Universitario de Cine & Audiovisuales Equinoxio

September 20 to 27 - 2024 / Bogotá (Cundinamarca)

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6 Quibdó África Film Festival

September 14 to 18 - 2024 / Quibdó (Chocó)

The Quibdó Africa Film Festival invites us to explore this symbolic space of encounter between Africa and its diaspora through film screenings, workshops, conferences and artistic exhibitions in an ad ...
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11 Narrar el futuro_2024.png

11 #NarrarelFuturo: Festival de Cine y Nuevos Medios

September 10 to 15 - 2024 / Bogotá (Cundinamarca)

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5 Encuentro de Cine del Putumayo

September 04 to 08 - 2024 / Puerto Guzmán (Putumayo)

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9 Eureka Festival Universitario de Cine

September 01 to 08 - 2024 / Bogotá (Cundinamarca)

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11 International Human Rights Film Festival - Colombia

August 22 to 30 - 2024 / Bogotá, Medellín, Cali, Pereira, Manizales, Quibdó, Barranquilla, Cartagena, Envigado, Ocaña y 30 municipios más

The International Human Rights Film Festival - Colombia is an initiative examining the current context of conflict, struggle and the legitimacy of human rights in Colombia and the world, through audio ...
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10 Cineautopsia - Festival de Cine Experimental de Bogotá

August 16 to 23 - 2024 / Bogotá

The Bogotá Experimental Film Festival focuses on audience and creator development around audiovisual art, taking place in May 2017 Bogotá, Colombia. Our main goal is to offer the city a space in wh ...
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