Juliana, 30 years old, is set to reach the height of her career as a high-powered attorney. When she finds out about the death of her father, she has no choice but to return to her childhood home, but she discovers the house is inhabited by two disturbed, hypersexual girls. She slowly begins to realize that these girls are figments of her unconscious mind representing the physical, psychological, and sexual abuse she endured by her own father years prior. 
Juliana (30), próxima a llegar a la cumbre de su carrera como abogada, al enterarse de la muerte de su padre, se ve obligada a regresar a su casa de infancia donde descubre que dos niñas perturbadoras e hipersexuadas, que allí habitan, no son más que el reflejo de su pasado de abuso sexual, físico y psicológico por parte de su progenitor.

Fiction. Colombia, Argentina. 90 min.
Produced by Tusaji Films (Colombia), De la Tierra Producciones (Argentina), La Colonia Films (Colombia)

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