Rhayuela Films is currently in the final postproduction stage of Mil Colmillos, HBO’s first TV series in Colombia. Developed and produced entirely by us this Premium series explores horror, suspense and military action.
We’re one of Colombia’s most renowned production companies, with over 25 years of experience. We develop and produce feature films, TV series, documentaries and advertisement all over Latin America, US, Spain and France.
Rhayuela Films se encuentra actualmente en la etapa final de postproducción de Mil Colmillos, la primera serie de televisión de HBO en Colombia. Desarrollada y producida íntegramente por nosotros, esta serie Premium explora el terror, el suspenso y la acción militar.
Somos una de las productoras más reconocidas de Colombia, con más de 25 años de experiencia. Desarrollamos y producimos largometrajes, series de televisión, documentales y publicidad en toda Latinoamérica, Estados Unidos, España y Francia.

We’re looking for gap financing, sales agents & presales for our three feature films in development process: Black Centurion (directed by Jose Luis Rugeles), Mostro (Jaime Osorio’s third feature film) & Obsession (Federico Duran directorial debut).
We’re also looking for feature film projects and TV series that are finishing their development stage and can be shot in Colombia receiving the new 35% tax rebate.

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