Colombian filmmaker based in Berlin. Packed with absurd premises and a humorous tone, his films combine genres such as drama, comedy and satire. As writer and director, his short films have been shown in international festivals as well as broadcasted on television.
He is currently working on his first feature, Fe, which was awarded with the Development Grant by the Colombian Film Fund (FDC) in 2019.
Cineasta colombiano trabajando entre Colombia y Alemania. Entre premisas absurdas y un tono agudo, sus films mezclan el drama, la sátira y la comedia. Sus cortometrajes, como escritor y director, han sido seleccionados en diferentes festivales internacionales así como transmitidos por televisión.
Actualmente, trabaja en su ópera prima, Fe, con la cual obtuvo el Estímulo para Desarrollo de Guion del Fondo de Desarrollo Cinematográfico Colombiano (FDC) en 2019.

Colombian and/or Latin-American production companies interested in my debut feature film Fe (Lenten Season)
WIP, festivals, labs and grants
Film fund programs
Colombian and/or Latin-American Production Company looking for drama/comedy/ satire Film and Series
Exciting projects (feature films and series) in development as writer, co-writer and/or director
Networking and contacts for future projects

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