The Ministry of Culture is the guiding entity of the Colombian Cultural sector and its aim is to formulate, coordinate, execute and look after state policy on culture, and recreational matters. It is an organization that acts in good faith, with ethical integrity and observes current norms in benefit of the community and its own civil servants.
The Ministry of Culture will foster a creative Colombia and one that is responsible for its memory, where all citizens are able to interact and cooperate with creative opportunities, enjoyment of cultural expressions, in conditions of equity and respect towards diversity.
El Ministerio de Cultura lidera la formulación de la política integral de la economía creativa en el Gobierno Nacional y desarrolla programas y proyectos en los términos señalados en la ley.
Al Ministerio de Cultura le corresponde liderar el proceso de coordinación intersectorial para fortalecer las instituciones públicas, privadas y mixtas, orientadas a la promoción, defensa, divulgación y desarrollo de las actividades culturales y creativas y promover adecuadamente el potencial de la economía cultural y creativa (economía naranja).
International cooperation in culture and audiovisual
Audiovisual and Media Literacy Programs
Minority Representation in Films
Descentralized Movie & Content Distribution Platform
Film Unions
Media Convergence
Gender Parity

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