Film director and screenwriter specializing in art direction and special effects makeup. She has worked for more than 7 years in large national and international productions as well as in independent films between Spain and Colombia. She is currently working on her projects Mermaids in the Mist, a short film that won the FDC 2020 Regional Short Film Award and is currently in pre-production, and Matuna, a script that won the FDC 2019 Award, a feature film that is currently in development. Both projects were written and directed by her and have been shown in several renowned laboratories and markets such as Cine Qua Non Lab, Torino Film Lab and Bogotá Audiovisual Market-BAM.
Directora de cine y guionista con especialización en dirección de arte y maquillaje de efectos especiales. Ha trabajado por más de 7 años en grandes producciones nacionales e internacionales así como en películas independientes entre España y Colombia. Actualmente trabaja en sus proyectos Sirenas en la niebla cortometraje  ganador del estímulo Relatos regionales FDC 2020 que se encuentra en etapa de pre producción y  Matuna, guión beneficiario del estímulo FDC 2019, largometraje que se encuentra en etapa de desarrollo, ambos proyectos escritos y dirigidos por ella y que tienen recorridos en varios laboratorios y mercados de renombre como Cine Qua Non Lab, Torino Film Lab y Bogotá Audiovisual Market-BAM.

Potential Spanish, Brazilian or Argentinean co-producers
Potential VFX co-producers.
To obtain start the pre production of MATUNA
Co-productions with Ibero-American  and Europe countries
Connect with funders, investors and VFX companies
Industry heads of film festivals, search for WIP spaces in Latin American festivals, post-production houses.

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