Zuluaga is an Audiovisual Communication graduate from the Politécnico Colombiano Jaime Isaza Cadavid and studied Introduction to Production Design in San Antonio de Los Baños Film School (Cuba). Co-founder of the audiovisual production company Crisálida Films. Producer of several audiovisual projects among which are the videoclip SINCLAIR and the short films CAÍDA LIBRE, by Santiago Henao (2018) and BIRDS FLY TOGETHER, by Juan Felipe Grisales. These projects were supported with the Creation Grants of Medellín Mayor Hall. She has directed three fiction short films: THE SONG OF THE OWL and UNDER YOUR SHADOW. She is co-producer of the short film TODO LO QUE FLOTA, by María Matiz (2019), supported with the Short Film Production Grant from the Colombian Film Fund -FDC in 2017. She has also organized ten film workshops in Medellín, taught by directors such as Franco Lolli, César Acevedo, Diana Bustamante, among others.

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