A dense fog robs the world of its colors in the vast cemetery where BASILIO searches for the graves of his parents. Failing to find them, he returns to his old home, but once there discovers that the modest dwelling has been consumed by the ruins of time. His mother, INÉS, has been waiting for him. Separated in life by terrible violence, they understand that their reunion is due only to the fact that they are now dead. Mother and son, now ghosts, begin a physical and spiritual journey through a landscape devastated by war. BASILIO is responsible for all of it; in his lifetime he evolved into a savage criminal and is now forced to relive, over and over again, all the horror of the acts he committed.

Fiction. 100 min. Colombia
Produced by:
Inercia Películas (Colombia) - CinéSud Promotion (France) - Quijote Films (Chile)

Inercia Películas specializes in art house films and experimental cinema under the direction of Paola Andrea Pérez Nieto (producer of Land and Shade, 2015 Cannes Camera d'Or / Violence, 2015 Berlinale Forum release). Early productions included development of short films by Juan Felipe Rayo (NO ESTÁ EN CASA, SALIÓ A BUSCAR TRABAJO), Paola Andrea Pérez Nieto (POBRE PAYASO), and Ingrid Pérez López (A SOLAS, co-produced with Contravía Films and selected for the 2009 Cartagena International Film Festival, Rencontres Cinémas D'Amérique Latine- Toulouse Festival, and the Havana International New Latin American Cinema Festival). The company has also produced audiovisual and printed pieces for PAHO (Pan American Health Organization), OEPA (Program for the Elimination of Oncocercosis in the Americas), and the Cauca Health Secretariat. Inercia Péliculas is currently developing the documentary LA FRONTERA INVISIBLE by Alejandro Álvarez Quijano (IDFA FORUM, Sorfond, Dok Leipzig markets), co-producing the documentaries LOS ZULUAGAS by Flavia Montini (2020 BAM Projects), LA OPCIÓN CERO by Marcel Beltran (IDFA - Luminous 2020) and DE NIRO IS NOT MY DAD by Manuela Montoya and the fiction features HORIZONTE by César Augusto Acevedo (2017 BrLab, 2018 Cannes Cinéfondation Residence, 2020 Ibermedia-Carolina Foundation Ibero-American film development projects course, Colombian Film Fund Feauture Film Production 2020) and DONDE COMIENZA EL RÍO by Juan Andrés Arango (winner Cine Qua Non Lab Award at the 2020 BAM), EL DIARIO DE LAS OTRAS by Mariana Mosquera; the short fiction DELIRIO by Fernando Iriarte; and is coproducing the fiction feautre TUMBADORES by María Isabel Burnes. In 2019, the company co-produced (with Contravía Films and Telepacífico and support from ANTV) the series TURBIA (currently in postproduction), directed by Oscar Ruiz Navia, César Augusto Acevedo, Carlos Moreno, Santiago Lozano, William Vega, and Jorge Navas.

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