Adapted from the original novel by acclaimed Colombian author Tomas Gonzalez, and based on true events in the author’s own life, the film is set in the late 1970s in a remote, dramatic stretch of the Colombian coast. J and Elena, an idealistic, rebellious young couple from Medellin, dream of escaping the city for a life in a tropical, untouched spot on the Pacific coast. They have spent their last savings on buying a dilapidated finca, a smallholding where they can live off the land. Once there, however, this dream slowly begins to disintegrate. Unrelenting heat, humidity, and torrential rain eke away at the couple’s best efforts to make a success of the farm, and there ways of living on this land, with the locals, that J and Elena don’t understand. Isolated from the community, from each other, and increasingly from their own sense of self, an atmosphere of violence descends over this virgin beach, leading the couple on a downward spiral.

Fiction. 90 min. Colombia.
Produced by
: Laberinto Producciones (Colombia)

Company dedicated to the creation of content and audiovisual formats, television, new platforms and advertising, with more than 20 years of experience in the Colombian and Latin American market. Our work has received several awards at national and international festivals such as the India Catalina Awards - FICCI, Cannes Lions, the NYC Colombian Film Festival, as well as a 2015 nomination for the International Emmy Awards. Laberinto is a strategic ally for international and local production companies due to its experience of more than 25 years in the market and its extensive handling of the filming laws in Colombia, 1556 (FFC and CINA) and 814 of the Fund for Cinematographic Development ; In addition, it has a vast experience in legal and financial management, including currencies and exchange rates, all of this for the effectiveness of production.

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