Jorge (27) is the only one of his generation who has decided to stay in his land and work as a coffee grower. He lives on a farm in the middle of a jungle valley, surrounded by the stories of bonanza his grandfather Leo tells (74) and the syncretism of his cousin Rosa (34).
Nobody wants to harvest coffe anymore and the hope to save his harvest is lost when the arrival of the rains and a devastating plague destroys everything.
The festivities are coming and with them the reunion of Jorge with his ex-girlfriend, Andrea (26) and his school friends, who return from the city. During the celebration, Jorge is faced with his memories and the longing to recover his childhood love disappears upon discovering that what had them together has vanished.
After a weekend of chaos and frenzy, only fire can destroy the plague, a plague that not only lives in the coffee plantations, but also in the streets of the town and in the minds of his visitors.

Fiction. 100 min. Colombia.
Produced by: 
Monociclo Cine (Colombia), Dublin Films (France)


Monociclo Cine is a Colombian production company focused on the development and production of film projects for new directors. Our first feature film Los Nadie, 2016. It was the opening of FICCI 56 and the audience award at the 31st Venice Critics Week; with in this film we broke into the film industry as a risky production company. Our latest short film Tierra Mojada has been part of the Venice, Sundance and Clermont Ferrand competitions.

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