Angélica Johanna Alape

SECTION: Fiction Toolbox Programme
PROJECT: Two Shores
PRODUCTION COMPANY: Fundación para el desarrollo de cine regional
GENRE: Fiction

Angélica, a screenwriter and director, was born in Coyaima, Tolima, and belongs to the indigenous Pijao people. She studied Social Communication and Journalism at the University of Tolima. Her interest in audiovisual production has been focused on community and social processes and regional cinema. She has participated in various audiovisual projects in different roles. Her first documentary film as a director, researcher, and screenwriter was "Margures Managrande," a story about women from the Coya Managrande ethnicity and territory, which won the National Ethnic Communication Award from Señal Colombia - Ministry of Culture. She has competed officially in 23 national and international festivals, receiving several mentions and two awards for best documentary. Angélica won the Desde la Raíz Residency from the Algo en Común Foundation in partnership with the Ministry of Culture of Colombia in 2022, with the script "Two Shores." She also won the Fiction Feature Development Grant from the Mayor's Office of Ibagué in 2022, with the project "Two Shores." She was awarded in the fiction short film category of the Ibagué Mayor's Stimulus Portfolio in 2021, with the script "Clouds." Additionally, she won the FDC prize in the Regional Story category in 2022 with the fiction "Clouds," as a screenwriter and director. Selected in the BAMMERS category BAM 2023

About Fiction Toolbox Programme: 
The EFM Fiction Toolbox programme is part of the European Film Market's Diversity & Inclusion initiatives.

Launched in 2022, the programme aims to endow fiction film creatives from marginalised groups and the Global South, creating pathways into the international film industry by eliminating barriers and providing them with the market intelligence, business tools, and connections needed to navigate the international film market more effectively.
This immersive programme includes guidance and mentorship by expert consultants and coordinators as well as in-depth industry know-how and connections via workshops, matchmaking events, community-building sessions and networking events.