In the near future, Humanity builds an artificial Square Paradise on the surface of the Moon, which can only be reached if each one has the appearance and the way of thinking of a square. To achieve this goal, people use “squareism machines": presses, corrective devices and cosmetic surgeries that mold their bodies like cubes and close their minds to questioning. Peter Press, probably the most obsessed citizen to fit in that world, has been living with a press in his head for 20 years and has just completed his squareism process. About to get the passage to the Moon, an incident forces him to take the press off, and observes a different form. The new shape shakes the foundations of its doctrine and jeopardizes its entrance to the precious Eden. Hoping that there is still a place for him in the Square Paradise, Peter climbs to the Moon on his own. The journey makes him discover that The Other Shape housed inside him is the last vestige of his individuality. Since Peter is the last man to complete the Square Paradise, he must decide whether to enter it, or accept his true nature.

Animation. 101 min. Colombia.
Produced by
: Smith & Smith LTDA (Colombia) -HIERROanimación (Colombia) -RTVC Play (Colombia)

Colombian film company. Dedicated since 1998 to produce animated content for film and television, such as short films, feature films and TV series. 2020 LA OTRA FORMA Animated feature film. 2d digital. FDC Award for Animated Feature Film Production 2016. In postproduction. 2016 ANGUSTIA CAPITAL Interactive e-book. 2d digital. Crea Digital Stimulus. 2006 LO ÚNICO REAL ES LA REVOLUCIÓN Short abstract animated film. Sand and computer graphics. 2006 SOY COLOMBIANO Animation video installation. Espai Inestable Gallery. Valencia. Video art exhibition Videopopuli. Mexico DF. Caixaforum, in the framework of the cycles I-Dissabtes. Barcelona. Caixaforum, i-tube media library space. Barcelona. Restricted nationality Colombian graphic art exhibition. Mexico D.F. 20th International Multimedia Festival, Instants Video, Caracas. 2004 EL SENYOR CARBONELL Computer animated short film. - Audiovisual creation grant Phonos Foundation Barcelona, 2004. 2003 ANIMALES DIVINOS, Animation show + live music + interaction.


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