Colombian independent film production company founded in 2006 by Manuel Ruiz & Hector Ulloque. Medio de Contención Producciones produces films by independent authors with a strong subjective, cinematic and political artistic identity. Their films have been premiered and awarded at important film festivals. On the other hand, MCP develops projects with pedagogical and educational content that link the cinematographic language and the new communication technologies.
- A male (Un varón) by Fabián Hernandez, (Production). Awarded at Proimagenes Fund 2018, TFL 2019.
-Chicken heart (Corazón de pollo) by Maria Arteaga and Juan Cortez (development). Awarded at Proimagenes Fund 2013 and Ibermedia 2019.
-Malta by Natalia Santa (development) Coproduction with Colombian production company “Perro de Monte”. Awarded at Proimagenes fund 2019.
-Iluminada by Nicolas Rincón Gille. (development).
-Amparo by Simón Mesa (2020). Awarded at Proimagenes fund 2017.
-Valley of souls (Tantas almas) by Nicolás Rincón Gille (2019). Winner of Etoile D`Or, Marrakech 2019. L’Atelier de la Cinéfondation 2016, International Co-Production Forum for Latin America 2015, awarded at Proimagenes Script writing fund 2013.
- Cold kisses (Besos frios) by Nicolas Rincon Gille (2016). Best Colombian Film Award 2016 FICCI, Special Mention of the Jury - Cinéma du Réel 2015, Bronze Heart in International Film Festival The Heart of Slavonia 2015, First Prize MARFICI 2015.
-Puerto Alvira by Manuel Ruiz & Hector Ulloque (2015). Doc Outlook Market -Visions Du Réel 2012, Miradasdoc - Tenerife 2012.
-Reflejos de un desencuentro by Gabriela Diaz (2014). Awarded at Proimagenes Fund 2011, Prize of the Public, 2014 MIDBO.
-Meanders (Meandros) by Manuel Ruiz & Hector Ulloque (2010). Awarded at Proimagenes Fund 2008, World Premiere - International Documentary Festival of Amsterdam, IDFA 2010, National Premiere - FICCI 2011.
-Plenty of Evos (Hartos Evos aquí hay) Manuel Ruiz & Hector Ulloque (2006). Awarded at Festival de Biarritz.

European coproducer
International sales agents
Festival Programmers
International distributors
Grant distribution managers

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