
  • Director:

    Tomás Corredor

    Tomás Corredor
  • Genre:

    Ficción / Drama

  • Duration:


  • Year:


Early in the siege of the Palace of Justice, the M-19 Marxist guerrilla’s plans to hold the Supreme Court hostage, and hold a trial against President Belisario Betancur begin to fall apart. A group of insurgents, including some badly injured men, find themselves trapped and forced to take refuge in a washroom of the Palace with over 50 hostages, all of whom must endure nearly twenty-seven hours of brutal clashes with the State’s Armed Forces. Under these extreme circumstances, where guerrillas and hostages must grapple with their desire to stay alive while they attempt to preserve their dignity until the very end, the complexity of the human condition comes to life when faced with adversity and the despair of violence and war.

Beneficiary Film Development Fund - FDC


    • Nationality: Colombia, México
    • Lenght: Feature Films
    • Stage: Pre Producción

    Technical team

    Tomás Corredor


    Jorge Goldenberg


    Exhibición Theatrical Colombia