Training Programs
This section was created to provide information on the major academic programs related to moving image creation, analysis and practice.
Here we offer a look at some of the formal and non-formal training opportunities at academic institutions and through the National Council of Film Arts and Culture (CNACC) and other film industry organizations.

Curso Regular Escuela Internacional de Cine y TV de San Antonio de los Baños (EICTV)
Web: www.eictv.org
Mail: eictv@eictv.org.cu

Taller de Dirección de Arte en Productos Audiovisuales
Web: www.zona-cinco.com
Contact: Zona Cinco - Escuela de Cine y Fotografía
Address: Cll 39A No. 21- 58 Park Way
Phone Number: (571) 3233864 6967025

Taller de Video con Cámaras DSLR
Web: www.zona-cinco.com
Contact: Zona Cinco - Escuela de Cine y Fotografía
Address: Cll 39A No. 21- 58 Park Way
Phone Number: (571) 3233864 6967025