Ciclo rosa 2023.png

June 09 to July 16 - 2023 / Bogotá (Cundinamarca)

Ciclo Rosa Audiovisual was launched in 2001 as an initiative by the Bogota Cinemateca, the Instituto Pensar of the Javeriana University, and the Goethe Institut. One of the oldest showcases of LGBTI f ...
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1 Festival nacional Caja de Cine.png

June 04 to 07 - 2023 / Santa Marta (Magdalena)

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38 FICG - Festival Internacional de Cine en Guadalajara

June 03 to 09 - 2023 / Guadalajara (México)

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13 FICUNAM - Festival Internacional de Cine Unam

June 01 to 11 - 2023 / Ciudad de México (México)

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Festival Internacional de la imagen_2023.png

22 International Image Festival

May 29 to June 04 - 2023 / Manizales (Caldas)

The International Image Festival, conducted by the Department of Visual Design of Universidad de Caldas in Manizales (Colombia), is a meeting and debate space on issues related to electronic arts, dig ...
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76 Cannes.png

76 Festival de Cannes

May 16 to 27 - 2023 / Cannes (Francia)

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Premios Quirino 2023.png

6 Quirino Awards 2023

May 11 to 13 - 2023 / Tenerife (España)

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10 ColFilm NY.png

10 Colombian International Film Festival New York

May 04 to 07 - 2023 / Nueva York (Estados Unidos)

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