
5 FICFUSA - Festival Internacional de Cine de Fusagasugá

December 26 to 29 - 2018 / Fusagasugá (Cundinamarca)

FICFUSA is the space of the stories of the region that must be narrated and preserved, the repository of audiovisual memory and the cultural collection Sumapaceño. It has four (4) competitive categori ...
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XIX Santa Fe de Antioquia Film Festival

December 05 to 09 - 2018 / Santa Fe de Antioquia

Since 2000, when the Film Festival Corporation of Santa Fe de Antioquia was established, we work with the objective of strengthening the audiovisual culture and the formation of citizenship through ci ...
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Bogotá Short Film Festival - BOGOSHORTS

December 04 to 11 - 2018 / Bogotá (Colombia)

Before know as Festival Internacional In Vitro Visual. This is an initiative born in Bogotá, Colombia, in 2003, at the hands of members of In Vitro Productions, creators of In Vitro Bar. The initial g ...
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6 SiembraFest

December 03 to 07 - 2018 / Villeta, Nocaima, Supatá (Cundinamarca)

The Colombian Countryside Film Festival is a space for the promotion, distribution, and support of national film works. Through our activities, we guarantee the circulation and appropriation of nation ...
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12 Festival Internacional de Cine de Villa de Leyva

November 08 to 12 - 2018 / Villa de Leyva (Boyacá)

The Villa de Leyva International Film Festival is an annual event that contributes to film development and audience cultivation. It is a space for thought, synergy, and innovative activities. The f ...
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7 FICME - Medellín International Short Film Festival

November 06 to 09 - 2018 / Medellín (Colombia)

FICME celebrates the short film’s synthetic abilities, its unaffectedness, its innovative and experimental ideas, and its will and urgency to tell of both reality and fiction. A festival rooted in the ...
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5 Festival de Cine Creative Commons & New Media Bogotá

November 06 to 10 - 2018 / Bogotá (Colombia)

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October 29 to November 02 - 2018 / Popayán (Cauca)

The Popayan Short Film Festival was founded in 2009 with the primary goal of opening new spaces for Colombian short film. Short film production has grown rapidly in Colombia in recent years thanks to ...
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