
21 FICICA - Cine a la Calle

August 17 to 21 - 2021 / Barranquilla (Atlántico)

CINE A LA CALLE is an International Short Film Festival in which films are presented entirely free of charge at outdoor locations in the north, center and south of the city of Barranquilla. CINE A LA ...
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17 SANFIC - Santiago Festival Internacional de Cine

August 15 to 22 - 2021 / Santiago de Chile

SANFIC, Santiago International Film Festival is a cinematographic, artistic, industrial and educational platform, as well as a privileged symbol of our city and country. ...
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22 Encuentro Nacional de Críticos y Periodistas de Cine

August 13 to 16 - 2021 / Pereira (Risaralda)

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August 02 to 14 - 2021 / Edición híbrida

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7 Bogotá Experimental Film Fest

August 01 to 31 - 2021 / Bogotá

BOGOTA EXPERIMENTAL FILM FESTIVAL is a Colombian platform for education, creation and exhibition of audiovisual artworks that are focused on narrative, technical and conceptual experimentation. The fe ...
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8 Spiritual Film Festival Contracorriente

July 26 to 30 - 2021 / Bogotá

International short film festival, which exposes spiritual cinema from a universal language, with stories with a deep and transcendent message, which provokes introspection and reflection, highlightin ...
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12 BAM - Bogotá Audiovisual Market

July 26 to 30 - 2021 / Bogotá

The Bogota Audiovisual Market (BAM) is Colombia's most important audiovisual market, organized by the Bogota Chamber of Commerce and Proimagenes Colombia with support from the Film Development Fund ( ...
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9° Rural Film Fest

July 26 to August 01 - 2021 / Valencia

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