
23rd Palm Springs International ShortFest

June 20 to 26 - 2017 / Palm Springs (EE.UU.)

A highly competitive festival, ShortFest receives 4,200± submissions from over 100 countries around the globe. Approximately 325 shorts are selected and screened in 90-minute themed programs, with man ...
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Anima Latino - II Latin-American Animation Film Festival

June 01 to 06 - 2017 / Buenos Aires (Argentina)

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56 Semaine de la Critique

May 18 to 26 - 2017 / Cannes (Francia)

Created in 1962 by the French Union of Film Critics as a parallel section of the Cannes Film Festival, La Semaine de la Critique focuses on discovering new talents, revealing first and second feature ...
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20 DocsBarcelona

May 18 to 28 - 2017 / Barcelona (España)

DocsBarcelona is the annual meeting for professionals and audience alike that takes place in the city of Barcelona. DocsBarcelona is compound of the Festival and the Pitching Forum.The Pitching For ...
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49 th Directors' Fortnight

May 18 to 28 - 2017 / Cannes (Francia)

Created by the French Directors Guild in the wake of the events of May ’68, the Directors’ Fortnight seeks to aid filmmakers and contribute to their discovery by the critics and audiences alike. From ...
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70º Festival de Cannes

May 17 to 28 - 2017 / Cannes (Francia)

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63rd Internacional Short Film Festival Oberhausen

May 11 to 16 - 2017 / Oberhausen (Alemania)

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Le MUP - International Humanist Short Film Festival

April 28 to 29 - 2017 / Montreal (Canadá)

What if we put aside the need of for colossal productions ? / What if we narrate beautiful stories ? / What if notions of freewill, tolerance and openness are the key words ? / What if the Human is ...
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