
11 FICS - Festival Internacional de Cine de Santander

September 03 to 07 - 2019 / Bucaramanga (Santander)

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Canada Film Showcase 2019

August 28 to September 03 - 2019 / Bogotá, Cali, Medellín, Barranquilla, Manizales, Pereira

The Canada Film Showcase is an event organized by Canada’s embassy in Colombia and Babilla Cine. It seeks to recognize the importance of Canadian cinema, which represents the spirit of creativity as w ...
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6 Festival Internacional de Cine por los Derechos Humanos

August 23 to 29 - 2019 / Bogotá

The International Human Rights Film Festival - Colombia is an initiative examining the current context of conflict, struggle and the legitimacy of human rights in Colombia and the world, through audio ...
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Segunda Semana de Cine BrasileñoContemporáneo

August 22 to 31 - 2019 / Bogotá

For the first time, Brazil brings to Colombia its most recent films to take a look at documentary, history, and fiction. Nine films are part of this showcase curated by Eduardo Valente, director of th ...
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17 Vancouver Festival de Cine Latinoamericano

August 22 to September 01 - 2019 / Vancouver (Canadá)

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30 Festival Internacional de Cortometrajes de Sao Paulo

August 22 to September 01 - 2019 / Sao Paulo (Brasil)

São Paulo International Short Film Festival is one of the world's largest and most traditional events dedicated to short films. Held in the city of São Paulo since 1990, it has become a landmark in th ...
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15 SANFIC - Santiago International Film Festival

August 18 to 25 - 2019 / Santiago de Chile

SANFIC, Santiago International Film Festival is a cinematographic, artistic, industrial and educational platform, as well as a privileged symbol of our city and country. ...
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5 CineAutopsia - Festival de Cine Experimental de Bogotá

August 13 to 23 - 2019 / Bogotá

The Bogotá Experimental Film Festival focuses on audience and creator development around audiovisual art, taking place in May 2017 Bogotá, Colombia. Our main goal is to offer the city a space in wh ...
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