
13 FICPA - Festival Internacional de Cine de Pasto

October 17 to 21 - 2017 / Pasto (Nariño)

A festival full of art, grace, and a certain innocence; a window through which this city looks out at the world every year to see and be seen. This film festival in south-western Colombia invites Colo ...
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33rd Warsaw Film Festival

October 13 to 22 - 2017 / Varsovia (Polonia)

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BIFF 3 - Bogotá International Film Festival

October 12 to 18 - 2017 / Bogotá

Bogota —an intellectual, young, urban, and party-lover city— will finally have a Film Festival that is in line with what the city really is. Thanks to the initiative of several representatives of C ...
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22nd Busan International Film Festival

October 12 to 21 - 2017 / Busán (Corea)

The largest film festival in Asia (300 movies from 70 countries), the Pusan International Film Festival (PIFF) is a must-see event for movie buffs. The main program themes include: A Window on Asian C ...
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5 Panorama de Cine Colombiano

October 11 to 17 - 2017 / París (Francia)

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10 Ojo al Sancocho - Festival Internacional de Cine y Video Alternativo y Comunitario

October 07 to 14 - 2017 / Bogotá

The Ojo al Sancocho International Festival of Alternative and Community Film and Video was founded in 2008 as a community-based initiative to democratize culture and audiovisual education in Colombia. ...
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9 Bugarte

September 29 to October 07 - 2017 / Buga (Valle del Cauca)

The festival was born in 2009 with the goal of promoting artistic expression and films from Guadalajara de Buga and Valle del Cauca and making them more visible. In this manner, the festival promotes ...
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26 Festival Biarritz Amérique Latine Cinémas & Cultures

September 25 to October 01 - 2017 / Biarritz (Francia)

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