
La rectora

Colombia, April 21 / 2015

Country: Colombia

Director: Mateo Stivelberg

Duration: 92 min

Genre: Ficción / Drama



France Los hongos

Francia, April 21 / 2015

Country: Colombia, Argentina, Francia, Alemania

Director: Oscar Ruiz Navia

Duration: 103 min

Genre: Ficción / Road movie


Every night after work, RAS makes graffiti in different walls of his neighborhood at the east of Cali. During the day he is a construction worker and also the son of Maria, a sweet mulatto woman who migrated to the city from the Pacific Jungle. RAS has not gone back to sleep and he is starting to daydream. Maria suffers because of this, she thinks ...

Gente de bien

Colombia, April 21 / 2015

Country: Colombia, Francia

Director: Franco Lolli

Duration: 87 min

Genre: Ficción / Drama

