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France La Roya

Francia, March 29 / 2023

Country: Colombia, Francia

Director: Juan Sebastián Mesa

Duration: 110 min

Genre: Ficción / Drama



France L'Eden

Francia, March 30 / 2023

Country: Colombia, Francia

Director: Andrés Ramírez Pulido

Duration: 87 min

Genre: Ficción / Drama


Eliú, a country boy, is incarcerated in an experimental minors' centre in the heart of the Colombian tropical forest, for a crime he committed with his friend El Mono. Every day, the teenagers perform strenuous manual labour and intense group therapy. One day, El Mono is transferred to the same centre and brings with him a past that Eli&...
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Colombia La otra forma

March 30 / 2023

Country: Colombia, Brasil

Director: Diego Guzmán

Duration: 100 min

Genre: Animación / Animación

