
Colombian feature “Violencia” selected for 2012 Puentes-Australab

The feature film project by Colombian producers Burning Blue, Violencia, directed by Jorge Forero and produced by Diana Bustamante, was selected for the 2012 Puentes-Australab. This event joins for the first time PUENTES and the producer’s encounter known as Australab. The Colombian project will take part in two workshops in which European and Latin American producers currently developing projects look for co-production alternatives, distribution, sales agents and other key production elements.

Colombian transmedia project Buenaventura Mon Amour wins Best Multi-Platform Project at RioContentMarket Lab

The multi-platform transmedia project Buenaventura Mon Amour created by producer Steven Grisales (El páramo) and director José Luis Rúgeles (García) of Rhayuela Cine took the Reed MIDEM Award for Best Latin American Multi-Platform Transmedia Project at the 2nd RioContentMarket Lab. The event took place in Río de Janeiro from February 28 to March 2 and selected the Colombian project from among 12 others competing in the Lab, which received more than 100 applications from around Latin America.

Edificio Royal, FDC grant winner, receives support from Fonds Sud Cinéma

After participating in the Paris Project Screenings sponsored by the Paris Cinema International Film Festival, where it was selected from among 90 films from around the world in the post-production stage, Fonds Sud Cinéma awarded director Ivan Wild’s feature film Edificio Royal 40,000 euros to help with the film’s finalization. Edificio Royal , starring Cuban Jorge Perugorría (Fresa y Chocolate), was also awarded a Screenplay Development grant from Colombia’s Film Development Fund (FDC) in 2006 and an FDC Feature Production grant in 2008. Colombian editor Etienne Boussac, who worked on films such as Inglorious Basterds, The Ghost Writer and the Bourne Trilogy, recently finished editing the film.