
FDC feature film winner La sirga now shooting

Beginning in August of this year, and during the better part of a month, shooting took place on La sirga, the directorial debut of Cali’s William Vega (El vuelco del cangrejo) in the area around La Cocha Lake in the Nariño province. The film was awarded a screenwriting grant from Colombia’s Film Development Fund (FDC) and is being co-produced by Colombian producers Contravía Films (Crab Trap) and Burning Blue (Diana Bustamante) and Mexico’s Tiburón Filmes.

Shooting Underway on Colombian Co-Production Secreto de confesión

Shooting on the Colombo-Venezuelan co-production Secreto de confesión directed by Venezuelan Henry Rivero (Puras joyitas) got underway in and around the Plaza Bolivar in Caracas on June 20, 2011. Colombian actors Marlon Moreno (Perro come perro) and Juan Pablo Raba (Los caballeros las prefieren brutas) join Cuban Jorge Cao (A corazón abierto) and Venezuelans Luigi Sciamanna and Juvel Vielma in the film.

PROIMAGENES Colombia celebrates its thirteenth anniversary with the publication of a book on the history of film criticism in Colombia

“La crítica de cine, una historia en textos” (“Film Criticism: A Textual History”) is the title of the new 342-page tome published by PROIMAGENES Colombia in conjunction with the Universidad Nacional de Colombia to mark the thirteenth anniversary of the Fondo Mixto de Promoción Cinematográfica (formerly PROIMAGENES en Movimiento). Historian Ramiro Arbeláez and writer Juan Gustavo Cobo Borda researched and selected this collection of “memorable Colombian articles” published between 1897 and 2000.