
Ruiz Navia Wins at BAFICI and Will Present Debut Film at MoMa in New York

Oscar Ruiz Navia’s project Los hongos, produced by Diana Bustamante (The Wind Journeys) was among the winners at the 8th Buenos Aires Lab (BAL) Co-Production Encounters sponsored by the 13th Annual Buenos Aires International Independent Film Festival (BAFICI), which closed on April 17th. And, the Colombian director’s debut film, Crab Trap (El vuelco del cangrejo), will screen at the Museum of Modern Art in New York in May 2011 as part of a selection of Latin America’s most successful and innovate films released in recent years.

Colombia Well Represented at Chicago Latino Film Festival – “Pecados de mi padre” Wins Award

Six Colombian films participated at the recent 27th Chicago Latino Film Festival, which took place from April 1-14. The festival, directed by Colombian Pepe Vargas, featured 127 films this year and 92 special guests. Nicolas Entel’s Colombo-Argentine co-production “Pecados de mi padre” (Sins of my Father) won the Audience Choice Award in the documentary category.

Colombia Big Winner, Taking Home Six of Eight Awards at Guadalajara Builds

On March 30, the winners of the 5th “Guadalajara Builds” event, a program aimed at helping Latin American feature films finished with shooting but having difficulty in the post-production and theater distribution stages. The event is part of the industry section at the Guadalajara International Film Festival (FICG). Participating in the event were Colombian films La sargento Matacho by William Gonzalez Zafra, co-produced by Colombia, México and Spain, which took four awards, and Gordo, calvo y bajito by Carlos Osuna, which took home two of the eight possible awards. Both films had received grants from Colombia’s Film Development Fund (FDC).

Colombian Films Open and Close Toulouse Festival -- Colombo-Swiss Film Impunity Wins Best Documentary

Five fiction feature films, four documentaries, four short films and one project represented Colombia in a number or categories at the 23rd Rencontres Cinémas D’amérique Latine in Toulouse, France which ended on March 27. The event, in which the Film Office of the Colombian Ministry of Culture and PROIMAGENES Colombia participated as Latin American partners, awarded the SIGNIS Award for Best Documentary to the Colombo-Swiss co-production Impunity by directors Juan José Lozano and Hollman Morris.