Somos Calentura premiered in Russia

Pantalla Colombia No.: 105
mayo 16 - junio 30 / 2021

The 2014 FDC Comprehensive Stimulus winning film was shown commercially in 100 cinemas in Russia.


Thanks to the distribution of Kinologistika, a company that each year delivers a variety of high-quality projects to the Russian public, including films by prominent directors such as Jim Jarmusch and Martin Scorsese, the Colombian film Somos calentura (2018) by Jorge Navas (under the title Step Forward: Heat of the Streets), reached 100 theaters in the country.
Somos calentura was exhibited in Russia after having been commercially released in Colombia on September 13, 2018, in the United States on February 26, 2019 and in Argentina on June 2, 2020. Through VOD platforms, it has been able to reach territories as dissimilar as Africa, China, Indonesia, and the United States, where it has been on all digital platforms in that country. This is in addition to his participation in the festivals of Palm Springs, Warsaw, Toronto Black Film Festival, Havana, among others.
The Russian press has described the Colombian film as “a pleasant drama in many ways, where dance can achieve much more than threats and violence. For fans of dance stories in the spirit of the original "Step Forward" and the British series "Street Dancing," the image of Jorge Navas seems like a nice, albeit unofficial, addition”.
Somos calentura was one of the first films to benefit from the Comprehensive Stimulus call of the Fund for Cinematographic Development (FDC) in 2014; For its completion, it received in 2017 the NMF and Color Front Award and the HD Argentina Award in the First Cut section of South Window, the most important film market in Latin America where it closed an international distribution agreement with the sales agency Epic Pictures of the United States, thus opening the international doors for the film.
As a transmedia project, it received the Reed MIDEM Award as the best transmedia multiplatform project in Latin America at the 2nd RioContentMarket Lab and was part of the Best Digital Cases from Around the Globe of MIP CUBE & MIP TV in Cannes 2012; and was a finalist in the Pixel Pitch Competition BFI London Film Fest 2012.
It is a production of the Colombian company Mon Amour Producciones in co-production with Magma Cine from Argentina, AG Studios and Rhayuela Cine from Colombia. It has the support of Proimágenes Colombia, Caracol Cine, Cine Colombia, Shock Magazine, Bad Boy Billy Productions (USA), and Kosmology.
Its production team included Jorge Navas in the direction; Steven Grisales as producer; the executive production of Paola Pérez Nieto, Steven Grisales, JuanDiazB, Natalia Videla Peña, Juan Pablo Gugliotta, Iván Benavides, Alex García, Rodrigo Guerrero, Cristina Echeverri, José Luis RugelesFederico Durán, Rodrigo Bellott and Axel Shalson; Diego Vivanco (Alias marÍa, El pÁramo, GarcÍa) and Steven Grisales in the script; Luis Otero Prada, director of photography; Jaime Luna, art direction; JuanDiazB, world building and transmedia designer; Iván Benavides and Jorge Navas in the musical supervision; Rafael Palacios and Julio Valencia, choreographers; Carlos Medina, casting director; Gustavo Vasco, edition; Martín Grignaschi in the sound and Rocca in the original music; among others.
See the Russian version of the trailer HERE.

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