
¿Cómo te llamas? at Outfest

The Spanish-Colombian production directed by Ruth Caudeli, produced by Colombian Ana Piñeres and co-produced by Roberspierre Rodríguez, participated in the 36th edition of the world’s largest LGBTI festival.

Colombian Triumph in Palm Springs

Two of the three Colombian productions participating in the 24th Palm Springs International ShortFest, which ended on June 25, walked away with an award.

Spain is the guest country at BAM 2018

The ninth edition of the Bogotá Audiovisual Market (BAM) takes place in the Colombian capital on July 9-13. It will enjoy the participation of professionals from 20 countries. Spain is the guest of honor, as part of the Spain-Colombia Culture Focus 2018-2019, organized by the Government of Spain and Acción Cultural Española

Colombia at Anima Latina

Eleven Colombian productions were included in the Official Selection of the third edition of the Latin American Animation Film Festival—Anima Latina—which ended on July 1

Colombian Film Festival Buenos Aires

The first edition of the Colombian Film Festival Buenos Aires was held July 2-8. Among other film offerings, the event features a Luis Ospina retrospective with free admission