
Brothers at RomaFF13

The Colombian film Brothers (Hermanos) by Pablo González participated in the thirteenth edition of the Rome Film Festival.
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Colombia at DOK Leipzig 2018

The Colombian projects Our Song to War (Nuestra canción a la guerra), The Shape of Now (La forma del presente), Homo Botanicus, and Jail (Cárcel) participated in the Official Selection of DOK Leipzig Film Festival 2018.

Colombia at Biarritz

Three of eight national productions were given awards at the most recent edition of the Biarritz Film Festival which concluded this past September 30. Prize winners included the films Birds of Passage by Cristina Gallego and Ciro Guerra for Best Feature, Modelo estéreo by the Mario Grande collective in the documentary category, and The Landscapes That You Seek by Juanita Onzaga

Silvia Echeverri now at AFCI

Silvia Echeverri, Director of the Colombian Film Commission, is one of the newest members of the board of directors of the Association of Film Commissioners International in Los Angeles

Lapü at dok.incubator

This Colombian film was one of the projects selected to be a part of the dok.incubator preview, which showcased at the Nordisk Panorama Film Festival, held between September 20 and 25

Poster: 20 years of Proimágenes at BICM

The 15th edition of the International Poster Biennial in Mexico announced its selection, which includes the #20AñosDeEmoción poster of Proimágenes 1998-2018, designed by Marta Granados